Green Drink for Everyone | In Love with Rome
In Love with Rome: Green Drink for Everyone
All about Rome. Enjoy !

Green Drink for Everyone

This is it ! Today is Blog Action Day.

blog action day, environment, green drink, legambiente, rome, italy, in love with rome, bambooblog action day, environment, green drink, legambiente, rome, italy, in love with rome, bambooOne day, October 15th, one issue, the environment and 15 000 blogs united.

The environement is on the spotlight. If not, how do you explain Al Gore got the Nobel Peace Prize for his ecological show ? But above all, it's a necessity in a context of evergrowing overpopulation.

blog action day, environment, green drink, legambiente, rome, italy, in love with rome, bambooYou may ask : and YOU, what do you do in Rome ? Well, we drink !

Not to forget, but to discover bamboo in a drink or... in a meal.

Some of the 1200 discovered species delight Chinese and Asian cooking.

Solid, light, flexible, bamboo can be used in construction materials, paper, clothes too. Researches are taken to create fuel based on bamboo.

Or how to eat and drink Green !